Keep it short and descriptive as it will appear on search results instead of the link description
Feel free to change the text format to fit your needs.
Select if this is a remote position.
Let people know where you are located
The first image will be shown on listing cards. You are limited to 6 photos that are no more than 2400 Pixels wide. Choose wisely....
Theological belief about how and in what order salvation occurs.
While this is an optional field it will help those recovering from fundamentalism to find out if your church is a good fit for them and their families. This should be a PDF no larger than 5MB.

Awesome! Thanks for the Submission

We want to help people find a church home where they can hear God’s word and connect with other believers. Please understand that because of the mission of the RFP, some submissions may not be accepted. Our goal is to match up the RFP community with Churches grounded in the Fundamentals of the Faith but don’t subscribe to legalistic tendencies. If you are wondering what this means, please take a look at the list below.

Your submission could take up to 24 hours to review and publish.

The Fluff List:

This is not a comprehensive list by any means, but here are a few of the things that might get you an “I’m not sure we’re a good fit” email.

  • Things like “King James Bible,” “1611”, or “Modern per-versions” are said in almost every sermon (KJVO)
  • Going to the “Movie House” has the appearance of evil.
  • The word modist would have been better translated as “Letting Down.”
  • “Hay-Man!”
  • Sanctification is best accomplished while wearing a suit and tie.
  • Drums are bad!
Any other questions we can answer?

We are happy to help you. Contact us